
Students studying at a table


Credit: Pexel

ABINGTON, Pa. — Penn State Abington will launch the Collegiate Recovery Program (CRP) this fall, 多亏了独立蓝十字基金会的资助, to support students living with substance use disorder. 其目标是创造一个校园环境,帮助那些受酒精和药物滥用影响的人,同时他们也能按计划获得学位. 

Glenn Sterner, assistant professor of criminal justice 也是刑事司法研究中心大费城办事处的现场协调员, 她说,CRP将有助于减少耻辱感,同时为学生提供资源,帮助他们在前进的过程中实现和维持康复.  

“这是一个机会,通过为康复中的学生开发一个强大的编程基础设施来满足所有学生的需求, 同时也更广泛地教育校园如何支持那些受药物使用影响的人. 我们希望成为一个包容、支持和赋权的校园,”他说.  

Michael Lavetsky, the program chair of the rehabilitation and human services major 还有一位有执照的专业咨询师在药物依赖治疗方面经验丰富, will coordinate the program. It will operate within the portfolio of the campus’s Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) 因为精神健康和药物使用往往是同时发生的疾病. 

“I am a strong advocate for people in recovery, 我的临床背景包括在一家诊所工作,治疗那些同时患有精神健康、药物和酒精使用障碍的人. I also have family members in recovery, so this is extra meaningful for me,” Lavetsky said, while stressing that the CRP is not a treatment program. 

“独立蓝十字基金会致力于使包容性恢复环境更容易获得,” said Lorina Marshall-Blake, president of the Independence Blue Cross Foundation. “Supportive networks, like those offered by Penn State Abington, help students maintain their recovery, excel in school and reach their full potential.”

The program has been on a wish list for Gina Kaufman, the director of Student Affairs, for nearly a decade.  

"It is wonderful to see this coming to fruition. 我很高兴看到我们的社区可以为这一特殊人群提供的影响和支持," said Kaufman, who oversees CAPS. 

受药物使用障碍影响的阿宾顿学生人数尚不清楚, Sterner explained; however, nationwide, alcohol use including high rates of binge drinking, tobacco, vaping, 在大学适龄人口中,大麻和非法药物滥用一直在稳步增加, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse.

“我们的许多学生住在费城的社区,那里获得治疗服务的机会有限. CRP提供了一个机会来满足我们的学生群体的需求,他们可能正在经历物质使用障碍的直接或间接影响, or who may be in recovery,” Sterner said. 

今年春天,斯特纳和拉维茨基一起为这个项目奠定基础 Karen Gould, a licensed psychologist and the director of CAPS. They are participating in trainings, hosting focus groups to determine needs specific to Abington, 成立澳门威尼斯人官网教职员工顾问委员会, 康复中的学生和有生活经验的外部个人. Sterner will chair the board.

When the program launches in August, it will include: 

  • 一个学生学习或在一个保密的环境中放松的中心 
  • 为正在康复的学生或受到有物质使用障碍的亲人影响的学生提供小组会议
  • Peer counseling 
  • 清醒的娱乐活动,嘉宾演讲和有针对性的特别活动 
  • Alumni support and networking opportunities 

The CRP concept at Abington is based on the Collegiate Recovery Community at University Park, 这对于让学生走上毕业之路至关重要, according to Sterner. 

“重要的是,我们与大学公园模式相结合,这样从阿宾顿开始的学生就可以很容易地转移到大学公园. We are the first CRP at a Commonwealth Campus, and, once we are successful, 我们可以为其他学校提供这种模式,并在整个系统范围内支持学生的长期康复,” he said. 

斯特纳说,该项目建立在循证实践的基础上,正在进行的研究将为他们的工作提供信息, which ultimately focuses on students.  

“我们希望学生们意识到,如果你正在康复中,阿宾顿是你应该来的地方. 如果你们准备好了,我们也准备好了,我们将支持你们。. 

About Penn State Abington 

Penn State Abington provides an affordable, 无障碍和高影响力的教育导致多元化学生群体的成功. 它致力于通过创新的方法在世界一流的研究型大学内实现21世纪公立高等教育的学生成功. With more than 3,100 students, 威尼斯人娱乐信誉平台分校是一所住宿校园,提供25个专业的学士学位, accelerated master's degrees, undergraduate research, the Schreyer Honors College, NCAA Division III athletics and more. 

About Philanthropy at Penn State

像独立蓝十字基金会这样的捐助者推动了该大学历史性的赠地使命,即服务和领导. Through philanthropy, alumni and friends are helping students to join the Penn State family and prepare for lifelong success; driving research, outreach and economic development that grow our shared strength and readiness for the future; and increasing the University’s impact for families, 英联邦和世界各地的患者和社区. Learn more by visiting raise.ycdwkj666.com.
